Defining Talent with Denia Bradshaw
Dickinson-Turner, L. (Host). (2023-present). Defining Talent with Denia Bradshaw [Audio Podcast]. Defining Talent: A Podcast.
UDL and Intersectionality with Denia Bradshaw
Nave, L. (Host). (2018-present). UDL and Intersectionality with Denia Bradshaw [Audio Podcast]. Think UDL.
Latinx Families and Disability: The Intersections of Identity, Experiences, and Siblinghood
Bradshaw, Denia Guadalupe
Bradshaw, D.G. (2022). Latinx Families and Disability: The Intersections of Identity, Experiences, and Siblinghood. In C. O’Brien, W.R Black, & A.B. Danzig (Eds.), Who Decides? Power, Disability, and Education Administration. Information Age Publishing.
Examen de las creencias y prácticas de los estudiantes con discapacidades ocultas y el diseño universal para el aprendizaje en instituciones de educación superior
Bradshaw, Denia Guadalupe
Bradshaw, DG (2020). Examen de las creencias y prácticas de los estudiantes con discapacidades ocultas y el diseño universal para el aprendizaje en instituciones de educación superior. Revista de teoría y práctica de la educación superior . 20 (15).
UDL and Dis/Ability
Bradshaw, Denia Guadalupe
Bradshaw, D.G. (2020, May 21). UDL and Dis/Ability [Blog post]. Hillary Goldthwait Fowles Ph.D, ATP: Empowering everyone of every ability to learn.
Proyectos finales obligatorios para la graduación
Doctoral Dissertation:
Proactive Design and Inclusive Practices: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education
Bradshaw, Denia Guadalupe
Bradshaw, D.G. (2020). Proactive design and inclusive practices: Universal design for learning in higher education.
This qualitative study was guided by research questions that examine what
educators and personnel in higher education understand and practice as it related to inclusive practices, particularly Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and their perceptions toward diverse college student populations, specifically students with hidden dis/abilities. Further, this study gained additional understanding toward professional learning, identified barriers of students with disabilities in college, challenges higher education professionals encountered in addressing issues of ability at their institutions and their efforts toward improving teaching and learning. This research was informed by the theoretical underpinnings of UDL. Eleven college professionals participated in semi- structured interviews and were asked the same number of questions. The transcripts of their interviews were edited, coded, and organized thematically. The themes were identified from responses to the questions administered by the researcher.
Tesis de maestría:
The Evolution of Sonata and Flute Repertoire
Bradshaw, Denia Guadalupe
Bradshaw, D. G. (2013). The evolution of sonata and flute repertoire (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Northridge).
Sonata Allegro form is comprised of an exposition, development, and recapitulation applying to both multi-movement works and single movements. Sonata is a broad concept that can be interpreted and unfolded in many ways. Understanding its origins is helpful for a performer. By examining the select pieces that were featured in a graduate flute recital along with other relative yet varying examples, the broadness (or endless possibilities of examples) of Sonata is explored. The compositions analyzed are: G. F. Handel's E minor Sonata for Flute and Piano BWM, Lowell Liebermann's Sonata for Flute and Piano, Pierre Sancan's Sonatine, and Michael Mower's Sonata Latino. Other examples to compare from the graduate recital include Joaquin Rodrigo's Concierto Pastoral.